HTML is the building block of the web, its the standard markup language for writing web pages.

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language and is the fundamental technology to structure Web Pages. Each and every web page that you seen on the internet is structured using HTML. In this tutorial series you'll learn everything about HTML, what it is, how it works, from basic to advance. The tutorial is designed to be interactive with functional code examples that you can run live in your browser.

HTML is one of the three core technologies that power every website on the internet today. The other two technologies include CSS & Javascript that are used to style and add interactivity to web pages respectively.

Why Learn HTML

HTML is all around the web and if you're interested in developing websites or having a career in Software or Web Development, a deep knowledge of HTML is necessary. From the most simple to the most complex websites on the internet today have been built using HTML at the core. So learning HTML brings you the following advantages.

  • Understand the Fundamentals of the Web: Learning HTML helps you understand the fundamentals of the web better. HTML being one of the three core technologies that powers the entire web. Learning it will give you a thorough understanding of things going inside.

  • Be able to Create Websites: : HTML is the core of web pages. If you're interested in building your own website. Learning HTML is the first step to do so. Once you master HTML, you'll be able to properly structure your web pages from scratch.

  • Easily learn technologies like CSS & Javascript: A basic understanding of HTML is mandatory for learning other core web technologies like CSS & Javascript. So learning HTML will make it easier for you to further learn these advance technologies.

Applications of HTML

Now that we have looked upon the advantages HTML has to offer, we would now take a look on things we can do with HTML. There are well a lot of things that you can do with HTML, this list includes a major few.

  • Create and publish documents with texts, images, hyperlinks, tables

    The primary purpose of HTML is to design the basic layout and formatting of web pages and present content to the user. You can create pages with rich texts, images, hyperlinks and more.

  • Create forms to collect user data, eg. name, email, phone etc.

    You can also create forms to collect data from your users, there are wide range of form elements discussed later in the lessons, that will help you capture information of given type be it a string, number, date-time, colors etc.

  • Access your visitor's current location

    This is a new addition to HTML5, the Geolocation API gives the ability to request users' location information for serving targetted content.

  • Embed Videos, Images, Sounds, within Web Pages

    The HTML5 specification also adds the ability to embed videos, audios, and other interactive content to web pages. You can add external multimedia resources to your web pages.

  • Create Interactive Games

    HTML is no more just limited to page structure. You can now create distributable HTML5 games with it. The new Canvas API adds way more capabilities to HTML than jusy mere web pages although it requires use of Javascript

  • Embed other webpages using iframes

    You can embed other webpages on your web page using iframes, more about it later in the section.

  • Create/Render (SVG) Scalable Vector Graphics

    SVG are an XML based markup language for describing Vector Graphics. These images are independent of pixesls and thus can be rendered clearly at any size.

HTML is a markup language that conveys special meaning to Web Browsers of how certain text or other resource be presented. It does so by using html tags. It's not a programming language like Java or C++.

HTML5 the latest version of HTML has brought in a lot of improvements over older specifications. These enhacements have made HTML even more broad and powerful. We'll discuss these features deeply in upcoming lessons.

The tutorial also includes references, guides and examples to help you grab the concepts better. We suggest you move serially from one lesson to another, you can use the Previous, Next buttons to move between lessons.

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